Call us: Kenmare: 064 664 2621

The Square, Kenmare, Co. Kerry View Location

If you have lost teeth or need to have some bad teeth extracted, it’s not the end of the world, we can make dental implants which will exactly match your existing teeth.  This means that you will still be able to have that perfect smile.

We offer two implant systems

Option 1:

Nobel bio care implants. The implants are placed by Prof D. Sleeman Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, in the Cork University Dental School and Hospital. Implant crown placed by Mr O’ Leary.
Prices from €1,700.

Option 2:

Oesteocare implants placed by Mr O’ Leary under local anaesthetic in the surgery.
The cost of placing the implant is €1700. There is a further fee for placing the crown, This varies depending on the case.
Prices from €1,700.